Just a little Halloween illustration in progress… ??
It’s nice to show a little of the process but please watch this space for the finished piece! ??
Really getting the autumn vibes now, time to light a fire and get cosy! ??☕
Author: Pamalotte Studios
Just a little Halloween illustration in progress… ??
It’s nice to show a little of the process but please watch this space for the finished piece! ??
Really getting the autumn vibes now, time to light a fire and get cosy! ??☕
New merchandise available on Redbubble. Something to bring the brightness back on a rainy day! ?☔
A little overview of the characters for my new book. ?
Only the best carrots for these donkeys! ?
The neighbours’ little girl was showing off her halloween costume today… (At a distance of course). Her beautiful red hair makes her look right at home in the autumn forest.
It’s not easy for the little ones in these times. She won’t be trick or treating this year to stay safe from Covid.
But maybe we will have to invent a new Halloween tradition! Perhaps a good witch who leaves little packages of sweets in the doorways for the children before she disappears into the night.
Let’s start a reverse trick or treat treat tradition. #reversetrickortreat
This little lady grows the biggest carrots for her donkeys with a little bit of their help of course! ?
I know the gardening season is coming to an end and we are getting the harvests in but we are already busy collecting super manure from our rescue donkeys for the garden next year. ?????
This is another little sample from the children’s book I’m working on at the moment.
Had a surprise discovery on my walk earlier today! What beauties… One even had a little hole almost like a doorway… ??♀️?♂️
I wonder if it could be a fairy house… My late neighbour used to tell me about seeing the ‘little people’, around here… I wonder what they look like…
My little dog Gyp is guarding them because she won’t share any secrets. ??
Something for the spooky season… ?
Have you ever been afraid of that strange sound in the night…
That ‘boohoooo’…
Could it be a ghost!?
G…g…GHOSTS!!! ?
Pip and Peter certainly think so…!
This is a spread from my children’s picturebook ‘Where are the Trees?’ ???️
Good evening! ?
This is a character from a children’s book I’m working on at the moment. She reminds me of one of our rescue donkeys that we call ‘Pluis’.
But she doesn’t have an official name yet. Any suggestions? ?
Just getting some autumn inspiration today and doing a little colour study. ??️
I love this time of year. Beautiful colours are slowly starting to appear in hedges and I’m cosy, sitting at my drawing table watching the rain. ??️☕??
The change of season always offers new ideas and inspiration. ?
Out for an autumn harvest!
Such a beautiful October day. ☀️
Plenty of sloe berries, hawthorn berries, rosehips and blackberries to be collected.
Lots of natural vitamin C.
#autumnfeeling #autumn #autumnvibes #berries #berry #sloe #rosehip #hawthorne #hawthornberries #blackberry #blackberries #foraging #foragedfood #october #outdoors #garden #countryliving #countryside #countrylife